terça-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2010

Mensagem para Vovô Bill

Quando você nasceu, VVB estava em New Hampshire e o papai Osmar tentou relatar para ele o que estavamos vivendo aqui na América do Sul.A mensagem é doce, é forte, e descreve de uma forma sensível o que experimentamos naqueles dias.

Natal 2010 quase 8 meses (38) Dear VVB,

I stayed for a minute thinking what to write to you, but the words didn´t come to explain how I´m feeling in the last days.

There´s no spoken language for this, there are only feelings and feelings are better expressed face to face.

So, I just want you to try to imagine my face these days, than you´ll get what´s on my mind. I never expected to experience such intensity of love, peace, gratitude and responsibility - That´s André gift to me.

After three busy days at the hospital, we came home last friday to be totally alone, the three of us. We asked everybody to not come here, including grandmothers and grandfather (the brazilian one), so we could stay knowing each other better.

And we did that - of course: the first diaper changing and the first shower took twice more time than necessary, with half of the efficiency that was expected. Some crying have been heard around, from children and from adults. But many laughs and looks have been changing these days.

Anyway, this is what we are experiencing here in this family. And we are happy to see that André´s arrival - and the good times associated with - is helping people around to face their problems.

We love you a lot


Um comentário:

  1. Love it! It´s so intense and frank. Osmar really knows how to express himself. Lv. Dinda
